I was pumped about the game all day. I was thinking about it during class today, I was fantasizing about it at work this afternoon...I even left early because one of the guys was threatening to tell me who won. I got back to the house and ate dinner and ran downstairs to turn on my recording. I watched with glee as Agger scored to put LFC up 1-0, and then I fought off some heavy eye lids the rest of regular time. Come extra time, I'm wide awake. I'm ready to go, ready to yell. I blew the lid off of the basement when I saw Kuyt put one in the net in the 100th minute, and then I about ripped my face off when I saw he was offside. No matter. We'll get another one. Here comes the next extra time...and then in 107th minute, what happens?? THE RECORDING ENDED!!! Comcast!! Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not manually extend the block of time for my recording, and Comcast ended my recording right when things were getting panicky!
I ran over to the computer in the basement. It was frozen. I ran to another one (ya, we have too many) and fired up espnsoccernet and found out the result. Don't get me wrong -- I am superfuckinghappy about it all. But shit. I didn't get to watch it and now I feel hollow.
I have to go study now.
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