So I was watching the movie Troy tonight, and in the midst of Brad Pitt kicking Hector's ass, I made a comparison that only I could make: Achilles had amazing footwork. Roger Federer has sick strokes, and Achilles could use a sword and throw the damn spear like no body's business, but how amazing must their footwork be to be able to dictate like they do (or did) in all of their matches and duels and stuff? I have been really working hard on my footwork lately when I've been playing because I have realized two things: it is without question the most important aspect of tennis, and I suck at it. I have been hitting so many balls while leaning back and away from the ball that I have been driving myself mad. So the new comparison is this: could Achilles beat anyone down if he was striking and leaning back at the same time? HELL no.
Watch this video, but when you do so, don't watch any of the strokes. I challenge you to just watch Federer's footwork. Don't look at the strokes, don't watch Hewitt...just look at Federer's feet. I know it's kind of an older clip (from the 2004 TMC), but the audio is really keen at court level. Just keep an eye on Fed and listen. Watch how he never stops moving, the little steps he takes to set up the shot, how he might be a foot and a half behind the baseline but is always moving forward to hit the ball and then steps inside the baseline when he gets a ball he wants to hit. That is why he's number 1 in the world. And watch Troy too, it's not a bad movie.
Well, my name is not Jamison Parker. I can tell you that much. I play D II tennis for my college in Colorado. I do not feel the need to legitamize the tennis blog any further -- as for the other page...I have no explanation. I like soccer (Liverpool!!!!!) and I am chemically addicted to music. I do not ski or snowboard but I know several people that do. I don't think that I will ever be able to work a desk job. I have a dog that comes to me when I laugh and another dog that only approaches humans in exchange for pieces of cheese. I guess that's about it.
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