Anyhow I got some pictures from the Weber

I don't normally do this, but the trip and the delay calls for some personal explanation.
About Friday: I had class until noon, then I downed a delicious BBQ sandwich from a local sub shop. I fired up the TiVo and watched Liverpool beat down Barcelona (still pumped about that), and then at 3 I went up to school and we set out for the USAFA to play Weber State.
So we get to Springs and the traffic is terrible, nothing new...finally get to the Academy and find the proper field house. The facilities are AMAZING. I have some pics coming -- they are on my buddy's camera but I will get them soon. So we got there during the lowering of the colors and it was a very eerie experience. This weird bugle sound was warbling over the top of the hill and everyone was standing perfectly still facing the hill...nevermind.
We get inside and sat around for over an hour while UNC finished playing the Academy. We finally got a court to warm up on...7 guys, one court, cool... At 6 when our match was supposed to start, I go up and take a seat (I was playing singles, not doubles). There was some delay, and then when matches started, of course one match had to be tight and took about 80-90 minutes. Then our first four singles matches went on -- I was playing 6th that day.
Finally at 9 pm I got a court. I hadn't eaten a meal since noon; my only bio fuel was a soggy PBJ that I had put in my bag. The courts were Rebound Ace, and the elevation was like 7000 feet, so it was really awkward. The ball was all over the place.
That's one of the things I have come to realize: The great players at this level will make that adjustment in 20 minutes and have a competitive match. Me -- I will take about 2 sets to get to feeling like I know what the ball is going to do and then the match is over and I'm headed back to Pueblo and my shitty hardcourts and my 4000 some feet. I wish I could adjust faster.
Anyhow, long story short, we got back to Pueblo starving and defeated so we headed to Buffalo Wild Wings for some comfort food. Our wings took over an hour to prepare, apparently, but when they got there, oh man...delciousness times TEN. I took some people home, it started to snow, the wind started to blow, I got to bed at 2, I got up at 7 and had to work at a conference at school all day. It was amazing. Hope that explains the delay.
We are going to Kansas on Wednesday, so I will be doing a Road Trip feature type thing. I'm also going to try to invest in a new camera before then, so be prepared for some amazing footage.
If you read this and wonder, "Well, dumbass, just go play indoors!" then I commend you for your sense of logic. Then I would remind you that Pueblo is a community that really possesses no logic. We have some indoor courts...at the Pueblo Country Club. Private party. Then there were some indoor courts at the state fair grounds, but as I think I mentioned earlier, they suck, and actually now they're shut down for the rest of the month. Our school doesn't have any tennis courts, indoor OR outdoor, so we are basically screwed if the weather keeps up its freezing ways.
Anyhow, there is some real news to attend to.
Mardy Fish is still playing good tennis. Andy Murray won in spite of himself. This was at the SAP Open...an indoor tournament! Gasp! Apparently Safin won as well.
In other sports news, I find this to be a little bit funny. 18 games!! I feel so bad for Paul Pierce. The Celtics are tanking the shit out of their season to get a shot at Oden or Durant. Also, how old do you think this guy is??
Also, while I am loving the fact that Carmelo is averaging 30.8 ppg, 6.0 rebounds and 4.4 assists, I am not pleased that they lost to the T-Wolves tonight. I only put that on here because it's fresh in my mind. And because I wanted to. You get it. I also love this even though it's a little old...I was right in front of him when it happened, it was sick, and I wanted to put it up.
Davis Cup is not the easiest thing to predict. In college matches (or most other levels of play, for that matter), if I have to play some guy from Mexico who is ranked 3rd in the region and hits the piss out of the ball, I'm just going to lose. I'm not good enough to keep up with him. I like to play people like that, but I'm probably not going to take many games off of him.
However, with Davis Cup, everyone is a professional. There is a certain level of quality that every player possesses, a certain degree of ability that gets them to that level in the first place. After that a lot of it is planning and mindset, conditioning and coaching. And oh yeah, emotion! You're playing for your country! How insane would that be? I want to go to a Davis Cup match sometime, but I guess I'll just have to put that on the list next to "Visit Anfield in May" on the list of things to do.